Foot & Ankle Surgery

Foot & Ankle Surgery services offered in Boulder, CO

Foot and ankle surgery treats various injuries and disorders to relieve pain, speed healing, and restore mobility. At Blue Sky Foot & Ankle in Boulder, Colorado, board-certified podiatrist Meghan Morgan, DPM, provides several types of foot and ankle surgery, including minimally invasive arthroscopy and traditional open surgery. Whether you’re suffering from foot and ankle arthritis or have a painful foot deformity, foot or ankle surgery can help. Call Blue Sky Foot & Ankle today to schedule an appointment, or book your visit online.

What is foot and ankle surgery?

Foot and ankle surgery is a broad category of procedures that treat common foot and ankle conditions. While minor injuries and disorders typically improve with conservative treatment, more severe problems may require surgery.

At Blue Sky Foot & Ankle, Dr. Morgan performs minimally invasive, arthroscopic, and traditional open foot and ankle surgery. Her knowledge and expertise ensure optimal treatment outcomes.

What types of problems can benefit from foot and ankle surgery?

Dr. Morgan uses foot and ankle surgery to treat various foot and ankle problems, including:

  • Achilles tendon disorders or injuries
  • Bunions
  • Foot and ankle arthritis
  • Foot and ankle deformities (for example, flatfeet)
  • Hammertoes
  • Morton’s neuromas
  • Hallux rigidus
  • Ankle instability

Sometimes, Dr. Morgan recommends foot and ankle surgery for fractures.

Are there different types of foot and ankle surgery?

At Blue Sky Foot & Ankle, Dr. Morgan offers several types of foot and ankle surgery, including:


Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a tool called an arthroscope –– a thin tube with a light and camera on the end –– to examine your ankle joint and uses instruments to repair soft tissue conditions, such as synovitis or cartilage defects. Arthroscopy features smaller incisions than traditional surgery, reducing the risk of infection and speeding up recovery.

Fracture repair

During fracture repair surgery, Dr. Morgan uses metal screws, plates, and rods to repair fractured bones and maintain the correct position so the fractures can heal. 

Ligament or tendon repair and reconstruction

This type of foot and ankle surgery repairs torn or damaged ligaments or tendons, like the ankle ligaments or the Achilles tendon. Surgery can be minimally invasive or open, depending on the location and severity of the tendon damage. Dr. Morgan carefully makes repairs during surgery, to restore your foot and ankle function.

What is recovery like after foot and ankle surgery?

After foot and ankle surgery, you will have to keep weight off the treatment site, take your medication as prescribed, and follow Dr. Morgan’s recovery instructions. 

Call Blue Sky Foot & Ankle today to schedule an evaluation, or book your visit online.